9:02pm: Say goodnight to roommate, head to back patio with a stack of cardboard, matches, fire starter, fire wood, a good book, mosquito repelling candles & wrist to toe mosquito proof clothing in search of adventure/ relaxation. Turn on twinkle lights.
9:06pm: Cardboard fortress surrounding fire starter in a satisfactory manner, light corners of butter & pizza boxes.
9:08pm: Veiled in a cloud of smoke- nothing but 1/8 inch charred box corners, admit defeat at hands of wax coating on cardboard.
9:09pm: Enter significant mass of grocery ads to even the score. Move scooter cover to avoid melting due to large flames.
9:16pm: The un-aided sweet sound of crackling remains... Logs appear to have caught fire.
9:17pm: I love twinkle lights.
9:21pm: Sticks may be too short. Fingers may be burning.
9:22pm: Flame very small to not actually there. Commence blowing on heart of the fire to maintain dog roastage.
9:23pm: Face covered in soot, getting kinda sweaty, hot dogs still looking geometric & cold to the touch.
9:25pm: Begin packing up. Throw last pieces of cardboard & paper on firepit more in an attempt to burn 'em up & avoid walking back to the recycling bin I fished them out of earlier than an attempt to re-start the fire. Think pitifully,"Dear God, save my fire?" Go inside to microwave hot dogs.
9:27pm: Return to check that fire is out. Find it cheerfully crackling almost as big as before.
9:28pm: Grab a beer from the fridge. Settle in to put a dent in my book anyway while the flame goes out.
9:29pm: Minor incident with frozen state of beer. Briefly ponder the science of temperature & matter.
9:55pm: Finished a chapter in the book. Fire still burning.
9:56pm: The moon is beautiful. Is this really happening?
10:01pm: Roommate #2 comes home to find me with snack, beer, book & flame. "This is awesome!" she says. I smile & shrug. Not ready to betray my frustration & near defeat. Bid her goodnight after briefly re-counting the events of our day.
10:44pm: Full of book & snack, face still covered in soot, smelling like campfire, satisfied with adventure & the simple pleasures in life, I retreat to my quarters to disengage from consciousness for the day.