Wednesday, May 12, 2010

You know, the little 'a' with a circle around it

Being a young professional can be quite trying at times. For one thing, a large portion of my time is spent performing tasks that could easily be done much more efficiently with simple machinery, like an answering machine (although it lacks a certian charm which I believe myself to posess on occasion). Recently, while executing the most crucial of charges, answering the phone, I encountered a gentleman who was having some trouble.

"I've recently become a client of your firm," He said," and I'm trying to send you some information in an email, but it keeps bouncing back."

"All right sir, what email address are you sending it to?" I ask.

""[name changed for privacy].

[This is the part where I had to go to great lengths to keep my professionalism intact.] "Sir, I am very glad you asked my help because think I can help you solve your problem. What you have actually been trying to send your information to is a website, not an email address. An email address does look quite similar to a website except that it will say '', you know, their user ID and then the little 'a' with a circle around it. So just try adding that first part and call me back if you are still having trouble."

"Oh, yeah, I... that's what I was going to say. I've seen those little ones like that before. I know about the circle, so that was going to be my next try."

The best part of the story is that this man was in his early 30s. I have no idea how that is possible, but yes, it is a very true story.

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